Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have ads not by this site coming up. can't get rid of it. is this a virus?

chrome ads unofficial

These Ads automatically installs toolbars, hacks home pages and start-up pages of browsers, so you need to aware of before what you are clicking.

Many more software's I have seen but I didn't get rid of these things and so I preferred manual instructions to remove these things. Firstly go to add-ons or plugins or extensions of the browser and remove or delete the unnecessary things so you can avoid unnecessary star up plugins.

Go to Control Panel and check in add/remove programmes there you will find toolbars and small unnecessary programmes installed uninstall them aswell. after check the browser shortcut properties in the file path fields you will find some website is added after the " so you need to delete that too. When you delete this you browser wont open default hacked page.

Better install Ad block plus so this saves the Internet data and our time too. It blocks all the ads that open up by some other websites. But beware of the things when you click on someone sites they automatically installs porn screensaver, ad programmes...etc

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